Waste Management earned a Golden Turd award in February for the
most recent application to locate a shit bakery in Plainfield Township. What was the name of that movie - "Same Shit Next Year"? While previous applications were made by the operator Synagro, Waste Management is taking the dooky by the short hairs in a effort to obviate some legal hurdles and carry this turd over the finish line.
Oooh, that smell - can't you smell that smell?
It turns out the first Golden Turd of the year was prematurely awarded to Waste Management.- it should have been granted to Synagro. In one of several communities opposed to the Syangro plant (Pen Argyl, Wind Gap, Upper Mt Bethel Twp, Washington Twp, Lower Mt Bethel Twp and Plainfield Township) Synagro was found to have spread its shit on frozen ground on January 26 . This is a violation of Synagro's DEP biosolids application permit.
We're so responsible at Synagro that we spread shit on frozen ground
There's an old saying - don't shit where you plan to build a shit factory. As of March 9 the DEP website does not show it, but a reliable source reports there was a fine levied.