While verifying that the Kunkletown Pub is still for sale, it was noticed that there is a home sales price trends chart below the listing. It shows about a 33% drop in median sales price in Kunkletown in the most recent quarter. This is only one data point, and may reflect seasonal influence. One resident reported that in November of 2015 their Kunkletown home was judged by a loan company to have dropped significantly in value due to "a local condition." The chart is presented without further research, but it may reflect a drop due to the knowledge beginning in the spring of 2015 that Nestle is targeting a site in the village of Kunkletown. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that this chart may reflect reality - the introduction of continuous 40-ton truck traffic from 6am to 11pm 7 days a week to the village is not going to make properties more attractive. Kunkletown indeed is dealing with a local condition for the moment.
The CJER and (former) Eldred politicians responsible for standing by and letting this happen and have not lifted a finger since to admit, apologize or correct their actions (Sharon Solt, Gretchen Gannon Pettit, Jack Rader, Chuck Gould, Howard Beers) should be totally embarrassed. Eldred Supervisor Clausen was new in 2014, and didn't come up to speed fast enough to detect this travesty in progress, though the record reflects she attempted to make sure amendments were reviewed and passed properly. She clearly didn't discover quickly enough the playbook of her fellow supervisors. In addition county planning commission staff members Chrisitne Meinhart Fritz and Eric Koopman bear very significant responsibility, as well as two township solicitors (Mike Kaspszyk and Dan Lyons) and the CJER regional planning solicitor James Fareri. Last but not least, so-called "professional" planner Carson Helfrich, who bears the most responsibility of all. This is the cast of characters on which landowners should lay the blame for inviting Nestle to plant an industrial operation in a commercial district, and in the process threatening to decimate the character, charm and value of the village. Job, done. So poorly that it escapes civil verbal evaluation. We'll let Bucky do the talking:
Bucky and his wife sucked it up - but you don't have to, ey?