Monday, June 13, 2016

Eldred Township supervisors to hold special meeting to discuss multiple community owned properties

On June 27 at 7:30pm, the Eldred Township supervisors will hold a meeting to discuss community owned properties, including the old post office, Mock Park, the rail trail, and the Community Center.

The Community Center is a wonderful resource, but the cost to support it is reported to be about $50,000 year.  It is reported that only a handful of residents, including two former supervisors, were in favor of its purchase.  Is it viable for a community the size of Eldred Township to retain it?

The rail trail is marginally usable in its current state, for anything but equestrian, mountain bike, and hiking use by people who don't mind puddles, uneven and rocky terrain.  It's the worst rail trail this reporter has ever seen, and one wonders if it was left in this condition while funds were diverted to other interests of supervisors who are no longer in office.  Bub the former zoning officer thought it was the best thing since sliced bread, but it isn't clear that he ever attempted to walk the trail or that he saw the horrendous destruction to both it and adjoining property when trees were recently ravaged on the rod and gun club property.

The old post office is badly in need of preservation and possibly restoration measures.  Are grants available for one and/or the other?  Is the plan for Mock Park the right fit for Eldred Township, or should it be modified?

Obviously serious and thoughtful discussion is needed to create priorities, and determine what the best use of limited resources is for Eldred Township.  The legal bills from the Nestle debacle will be winding down, an expense which could have been completely avoided if action had been taken by former supervisors that would have prevented Nestle from proceeding with its plans.  This is an excellent time to take stock of the fiscal health of the community, and chart short term and long paths forward that best serve residents.

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