Saturday, April 8, 2017

Why hasn't Wind Gap council joined Pen Argyl in objecting to Synagro's 400 ton per day biosolids crap bakery proposed for Plainfield Twp?

Synagro proposed it's crap bakery at the November 21, 2016 Plainfield Township Planning Commission meeting.  A few weeks later at its December meeting, the Plainfield Board of Supervisors voted to hire a solicitor and expert(s) to testify at an anticipated zoning hearing associated with Synagro's application.  In essence, Plainfield Township opposes the sludge plant without explicitly saying so - which it can't do.  Taking a pro or con stance would open the township to litigation and corrupt the review process.  The supervisors and town manager must appear to the public to be unbiased.

On the other hand, neighboring municipalities Wind Gap and Pen Argyl, each of which border the proposed sites (there are currently two, within a few hundred feet of each other) can take a stance.  Pen Argyl has done so - Mayor Mikal Sabatine and borough council wrote a letter dated March 1 addressed to the Plainfield Township Planning Commission in March, objecting to the project.
"[Our] primary concerns are, but not limited to, traffic from vehicles passing through the borough, odors, pollution, the impact to public health and quality of life"
The borough stated that it opposes the plant due to its effect on the borough and residents, as the proposed site is very close to the borough's boundary and residents' homes.
Pen Argyl Letter to Plainfield Township Planning Commission opposing granting Synagro biosolids a variance by Dick on Scribd

OK, Plainfield Township and Pen Argyl oppose Synagro's plan.  WTF is Wind Gap?

This blogger's question is where the hell is Wind Gap's letter?  Are they reluctant to express an opinion because Green Knight is currently pursuing a boondoggle to redevelop the Howard Beers property spanning Wind Gap, Plainfield and Bushkill Twp???   This project has more problems than Iraq.  Just recently, Wind Gap became aware of all the corners Green Knight is attempting to cut on this project, as its engineer wrote a lengthy letter addressing deficiencies.  Plainfield's consultants have as well.  Objectors to Green Knight's inexplicable continued support of Synagro would be well advised and served to attend the April 17 Plainfield Township Planning Commission meeting, where this abortion will receive the next in a series of reviews because of Green Knight's nonstop rejection of satisfying standards and unending requests for waivers.  You will see Green Knight member Peter Albanese in action and get a better flavor of the half-assed manner in which Green Knight operates.

Back to Wind Gap.  Your residents need to pressure your council into standing up for you, your quality of life, and your health and well being, and explicitly object to this project - if they have not already done so.  Pen Argyl and Plainfield Township have put their markers down, both on red - get the hell out of town Synagro.  Wind Gap can not stand idly be and remain silent.  And while you are addressing them, ask them if Green Knight has demonstrated in its handling of the proposed project on the Beers property that it is the kind of economic development partner Wind Gap deserves.  You simply must attend the April 17 Plainfield meeting, to see how Green Knight operates.  It is likely Synagro delayed to May's meeting so as not to be associated with the fallout of the Green Knight/Beers project.

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