Friday, May 12, 2017

Review of Synagro Crap Bakery before Plainfield Township Planning Commission (Slate Belt Heat Recovery Center) moved to June 12, 2017

Synagro's Crapshit Plans A and B

The regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting scheduled for June 19, 2017 to review Synagro's two grossly deficient site plans (Crapshit Plan A and Crapshit Plan B) for a 400 ton per day crap bakery has been moved forward to June 12, 2017.  It will be held from 7:00pm to 10:30pm at the Wind Gap Middle School.

Crapshit Plan A

Synagro's first site plan, submitted in October and updated in December, proposes to locate a solid waste biosolids plant in Plainfield's Commercial/Industrial zoning district, on a property that already has a principal use - Waste Management's business and logistics operations for its landfill.  As one might expect, Synagro's proposed use is permitted in Plainfield's Solid Waste zoning district (duh), not in the Commercial/Industrial zoning district.  Why Synagro's engineer was foolish enough to propose a solid waste use not in the Solid Waste district is one of those mysteries of life.  He's supposed to be a professional.  A clue is this dumb ass works for EarthRes, which prostitutes itself for some really controversial companies, such as Synagro and Nestle Waters - so incompetence or willful deceit are not out of the question.

Synagro has submitted a variance application to add a principal use, but it has NOT filed a variance application for a non-permitted use - the most difficult variance of all to be obtained.  Locating a solid waste use outside the solid waste district is similar to setting up an offtrack betting parlor in a residential zone - ain't gonna happen.

There are at least two more variances Synagro would need for this Site Plan to be approved - for less than the required acreage and having only one access drive instead of the two required.  To see how and when Synagro's Crapshit Plan A went down the crapper, click here.

Crapshit Plan B

Synagro's second site plan, submitted in March, takes Crapshit Plan A to a whole nother level.  While the proposed use is on subdivided portion of the Waste Management landfill parcel in the Solid Waste zoning district (a permitted use), it would:
  • Locate a parking lot and access drive over a pond (zoning ordinance requires a 50' setback)
  • Require development on over 1 acre of steep slopes (not permitted).
  • Provide bidirectional access paths (not permitted) and only one to a road.  The other would be via a neighboring lot through the backyard (not permitted).
  • Require using a neighboring parcel for loading and unloading operations (not permitted).
  • Relocate an accessory use of a business in the Solid Waste District to a lot in the Commercial/Industrial district (accessory uses are accessory to a principal use on the same lot)
  • Only provide 1.7 acres of usable space, while the Ordinance requires 5 acres
Synagro has filed 0 variance requests for Crapshit Plan B, even though it appears to need about 13 variances.  To see a breakdown of the variances required click here.

The zoning officer and alternate zoning officer issued a scathing 16-page review of this site plan on April 11, and as of today over a month later no response has been received from Synagro.  Nada.

Purpose of reviews on June 12

In light of the gross lack of compliance of Synagro's proposals with the Ordinance, and virtually total lack of hardship to obtain needed variances, a very fair question is "what is the purpose of Synagro appearance on June 12?"  Damned good question! (to see an analysis of how the variance hardships are not met for either proposal, click here)

A variance requires Planning Commission review prior to being heard by the Zoning Hearing Board.  Thus, applicants typically have their variances reviewed while before the Planning Commission with their site plan.  Why would they want to come back, and spend more money on lawyers and engineers?  As of this date, Synagro has filed no additional variance requests, and it will need to.  Edit: The deadline for filing new paperwork is 3 weeks prior to the meeting - Monday May 22 in this case.  Given the absurdly non-compliant nature of both site plans, it is expected something additional will be filed by Monday. Perhaps a withdrawal of the plans, but don't count on it.  Waste Management wants this very badly, for reasons unknown.  More than just rent.

Looking at Synagro's two site plans, each is what is in the state of what would be considered to be a "sketch plan".  A plan that presents a concept, and asks for a review but not approval.  There is simply no way either one of these plans can obtain approval on June 12, or any other night for that matter. The purpose of Synagro's appearance on June 12 is is a mystery to this author.  Maybe they want to talk crapshit, or sling some crapshit around and see if any cling-ons stick to the walls.  It will be interesting.

Synagro and Waste Management plot for a windfall, yet they have
no site to hatch the dirty egg and the fantasy is about to evaporate before their eyes

Township notice of June 12 Planning Commission meeting

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