Sunday, March 11, 2018

Dedicated environmental steward Frank O'Donnell in community that defeated Nestle Waters passes away

Francis Z. O'Donnell Oct 14, 1936 - Jan 25, 2018

This blogger first visited an Eldred Township, PA Board of Supervisors meeting on December 2, 2015 to see firsthand how the community was progressing in its fight against would-be despot Nestle Waters.  Nestle had descended on Eldred Townshp in the dark of night, in hopes of wrestling the community's most precious natural resource (water) from it for the pittance of $30,000 per year.

As I settled into the back of the room, two apparent residents smiled in a welcoming manner.  This was surprising, because I had been warned that residents of this town received outsiders with some suspicion.  This stood to be even more true given that Nestle was seeking to victimize Eldred's citizens like a john takes advantages of whores.

These two citizens were Mr. Frank and Mrs. Marion O'Donnell.  Marion was more talkative than Frank, but the topic about to be discussed was obviously weighing on his mind.  It turns out that the seats that Frank and Marion occupied were their "usual" seats - they attended most board meetings.

I came to learn that Frank had been the Zoning Hearing Board chairman for many years, and also that he helped form and was the President of the Blue Mountain Preservation Association (BMPA) for many years.  The BMPA's initial goal was to fight a proposed race track on the Eldred Township side of the Blue Mountain - on land adjacent to the O'Donnell's property at Smith Gap.  As the fight against the race track progressed, efforts to enact zoning (finally!) in Eldred began, and also preservation of the 360 acre tract in question was envisioned.

Throughout the years, Frank's leadership and participation as well as Marion's constant support resulted not only in preservation of the tract, but increased awareness throughout the community of the importance of property rights for all landowners.  Eldred's zoning ordinance helped make possible the defeat of Nestle's plan in 2016, during which time Frank continued to serve as Zoning Hearing Board Chairman.

I was deeply saddened to learn that Frank (Francis) O'Donnell passed away January 25, 2018 at the age of 81.  It is dedicated individuals like Frank and Marion who are the backbone of a community - those that pick up the sword to fight the slow and steady good fight to preserve the quality of life residents value.  My condolences to Marion and Frank's family.

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