On August 15, 2018, EarthRes
engineer David Allen, P.E. submitted an update to Synagro/Waste Management’s
application to site a biosolids processing plant in Plainfield Township . This was the deadline for new materials to be
reviewed at the September 6, 2018 Planning Commission review - they slipped
this baby in the door at the last moment the way all Applicants do who don’t want
a municipality to find the deficiencies in their application. And that is the
case here, as we shall see. "P.E." stands for professional engineer, but as we will also see, it could also stand for "professional evader".
Holy shit Batman, that must be awesome because it's so big - Powww!!!
Just look at the girth - an
inexperienced 19 year old lass might blush, and any man would be happy to have a
package the length of the thickness of this one. No expense is being spared in an attempt to
shove this pile of shit through approval.
The cover sheet shows what the
package contents are, but we will focus on materials related to the two zoning variances that Synagro’s plant requires - which Synagro has been trying for
over a year to avoid discussing or admitting.
The first is an open space buffer adjacent to water bodies, and the
second is separate entrances and exits at least 30’ wide are required specifically for
crap bakeries. As we shall see, they
expelled some foul odorous flak out their ass in the latest attempt to distract
from the reality these variances are indeed needed. There is a reason for this - they can not
prove the hardships needed for the variances to be granted. They are playing a very expensive game of
charades, waiting until their plan is shit-canned by the Planning Commission
and then the end game of this C-grade movie plays out.
A one inch thick packet in the
package is the “Project Performance Review and Compliance Report,” which is
laughable. Their performance sucks, and
they don’t comply with the ordinance.
But let’s continue because they are paying their dime for this round of
Variance #1 - Sec 27-505 50’ Open Space
Buffer adjacent to Water Bodies
The EarthRes Project and Performance
Review and Compliance report contains no narrative, only references to sections
of the Ordinance, and claims that each requirement is met. That’s bullshit, but without further ado,
here is what is stated in regards to the open space buffer:
Gross misstatement of fact that appears intentional - the exact opposite of this statement is true - less than 0' of open space from the existing sediment basin is proposed and 50' is required
Let’s give David Allen P.E. the
benefit of the doubt and assume he isn’t trying to hide one intentional error
by introducing a second one. Section 505
pertains to water bodies - and he
states that the existing sediment basin complies with the 50’ requirement. Did time and gravity somehow reverse
themselves? Let’s go to the videotape, a
site plan updated August 14, 2018 contained in the
package received on August 15, 2018:
What the revised plans actually show is a bunch of parking and a driveway in sediment pond #2, and a shit factory less than 25' away. We see what you did there.
Note that the black dashed line "Proposed Pond Boundary" is obscured. Now it is a pond? David!
The parking places are forty-five
feet into the existing sedimentation
basin, and the proposed plant is a shade under 25’ from the existing basin. Hello?
David? We can see your leg and
foot hanging out your ass, but where is the rest of you? That looks REALLY uncomfortable! How exactly does the existing sediment basin
have a 50’ buffer around it, where there is no development? Uh-oh.
David will have splain’n to do at the meeting on September 6, 2018. Bring some Handi-Wipes, it will be ugly - in
the seat of David’s pants. It would be
pleasantly surprising if just once a representative of EarthRes did something
The plan above is not stamped by David, so who knows if it is official or some draft he just tossed in. No problem, because there is another sheet in the plans submitted on August 15 that does have his stamp, and it shows outright deceit on this subject:
The plan above is not stamped by David, so who knows if it is official or some draft he just tossed in. No problem, because there is another sheet in the plans submitted on August 15 that does have his stamp, and it shows outright deceit on this subject:
Sheet C-03 of the Site Plan, which depicts the portion of Existing Sediment Basin #2 only where it isn't damaging to Synagro's plan. The existing portion above the blue dashed "Proposed Sediment Basin" line is not shown. What the hell is your definition of "existing," David Allen P.E.?
Variance #2 Sec 27-316 (2)(II).2 At least 30’ wide dedicated
entrance and exits required, along an arterial or collector
At the Juy 16 lPlanning Commission,
Synagro did a presentation that introduced the bold idea of adding an entrance
and exit to Pen Argyl Road . Aside from the fact it went over with the
audience like the slip of a scalpel at a bris, David Allen P.E. seemed at a
loss for words when asked how this new access would actually function. All flash, no explosion. More putrid flak - sure to impress the
Express Times reporter Synagro invited to the meeting, but no one else. “Synagro announces mesmerizing bull shit” was
the headline the next day.
In an examination of the August
15 super terrific Land Development Plan update, it is clear that the bold
announcement and pretty slides at the July meeting portended a great big fat zero. Bunkus.
Again, there is no narrative, but there is a Traffic Study and there are
Truck Turn exhibits. The Traffic Study
indicates that the new access point to Pen Argyl Road that David Allen, P.E. unveiled
in June should be gated and used only for
emergencies. You just could not make
this shit up. Where is the Express Times
reporter now? Writing a story about the
next meeting about shit? Come listen to
more shit from David Allen P.E. on Thursday, September 6 - you won’t be
Traffic Impact Study on Scribd
I'll take Potpourri for $100, Alex
It's the Video Daily Double!
Here is Synagro's real truck movement plan - whatever is necessary to get that truck full of crap on or off the property:
Why Synagro will not be able to obtain the variances needed
Briefly, in PA, there are 5
criteria to be proven to obtain a variance.
One is that your property can’t be used for a lawful use. One is there are unique circumstances about
your property - shape, slope, that make it so you can’t develop the lot. But the uniqueness can’t be that you
developed your lot without the future in mind, and now you’re screwed
yourself. The property is already being used
profitably - to the tune of many millions of dollars a year. There is nothing unique about the property
except it is a garbage dump with little room left. Tough shit - you built it. This is fun - let's look at one more variance criteria - health, safety and welfare of the public can't be put at risk. Yeah David, about that pond...
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