Thursday, May 9, 2019

Plainfield Board of Supervisors scheduled to vote on Synagro land development plan for crap factory on Waste Management property

The Plainfield Township Board of Supervisors have advertised a special meeting to consider approval of the land development plan for Synagro's controversial shit bakery - for Wednesday May 22 at 7pm at the Plainfield Township Fire Hall.
Currently, the deadline for a vote is May 31, 2019, and if Synagro does not allow further extensions the Board will have to vote by that date to avoid what is called a "deemed approval".  A "deemed approval" is when a town's residents are cornholed due to lack of timely consideration by the governing body.

The Planning Commission has been reviewing the plan since February 2018, and a summary of the progress and/or lack thereof in completing that process will be posted here in the next few days.  The Planning Commission will meet on Monday May 13 at 7pm (see sidebar) for what may be their last meeting on this project.  While there are multiple loose ends and negotiations to agree on terms were incomplete as of the April review meeting, if the deadline is not extended the planners will have to render a recommendation based on the current status.  Planners can make conditional recommendations.  The planners could also delay final action until their regular meeting on Monday May 20.  This would be cutting things very close, but wrapping this up quickly and dotting i's and crossing t's will be a genuine challenge.  Recommending denial or approval of the plan will require a lengthy list of reasons or conditions that will have to be itemized and contained in the recommendation.

The Planning Commission provides an advisory role in land development planning, and the Board of Supervisors can either accept their recommendations, or ignore them.  In this case, since the planners and township consultants have worked diligently for many months on this project, and the township has expended significant resources in ensuring a thorough review to protect local citizens, it is very likely that he Board will largely accept whatever recommendation the planners make.

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