Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cross examination of first Nestle witness reveals weaknesses in Nestle application

Last night, civil engineer Ed Davis was cross examined for about 2 hours by Eldred Township counsel Mark Freed, of Curtin Heefner.  This followed Nestle being allowed for the second time to submit numerous changes to its Site Plan - changes received by the township only a few days before - and continued direct examination of Mr. Davis.  Some objectors received the latest update only upon arrival at the hearing - but were very thankful that Ms. Velopolcek brought copies to hand out to them.  Thanks, Ann.

Mr. Davis suddenly didn't appear to know much is a very brief summary of the cross examination.  Not about roads on the site, not about the Eldred Township Comprehensive Plan, not about existing operations on the Gower property.  For the person responsible for zoning, the site plan, and operations, his responses were underwhelming to be kind.  He suggested that Nestle Solicitor Weston, Gower counsel Mr.Wolfe, and landowner Gower could answer some questions that he could not.  There is no mechanism to do that while a witness is on cross examination.

There is insufficient time this evening to post a proper summary of what happened at the hearing, but one will be posted this weekend.  If you attend the citizen's meeting tomorrow evening at the Community Center, a short summary will be presented at that time, as well as status of the zoning hearing board review and the court appeal.

Community meeting Friday evening - don't be square ;)

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